Here are examples of Custom-Made vector drawings of animals using photographs as a reference. We are also introducing Stock-Made vector graphics; any image with a BUY NOW button is available for purchase. For custom vector graphics, please contact us for a quote.

Custom vector drawing of a dog for carving the image on a rock.

Black only vector line art drawing of a dog for sandblast engraving on a rock.

Black and white custom vector drawing of a dog for rock carving.

Photo vector conversion of a dog. Black-only line art suitable for engraving or etching

Simplified vector drawing of a cat suitable for limited-color processes.

Custom drawing of a dog from a photograph. Vector graphic used for sandblasted engraving.

Simplified vector drawing of a Danish Pointer dog using 4 Pantone spot colors for embroidery and silk screen.

Vector color illustration of an Old Danish Pointer dog for screen printing and embroidery.

Vector black line drawing of barrel racer horse and rider for stamping on chocolate.

Photo to Vector conversion of a dog for engraving.

Photo of a dog drawn in vector format for engraving.

Color vector drawing of a horse for screen printing and embroidery.

Photo to vector conversion of a dog for embroidery using only 3 Pantone spot colors.
We create custom vector drawings using customer-supplied photos as reference. The vector graphics can be prepared in a variety of styles to meet specific requirements from different industries including printing, engraving, sign making and embroidery. The vector drawings can be made in full color, limited Pantone color, black and white, black-only, and line art.

Full color painting of a dog redrawn in black-only line art vector format for sandblasting engraving on stone.

The matriarch cow in a herd converted from photo to vector graphic for stickers.

Rambo, a dog rescue mascot (and a rescue himself) converted from photo to vector art to be screen printed on t-shirts.

Custom vector drawing of a Danish Pointer dog, using only 3 colors for embroidery and silk screen purposes.

Photo to vector conversion of a dragonfly for printing on reusable plastic bottles.

Photo to vector line art conversion of a horse head for stamping on chocolate bars!

Custom vector graphic of a dog for engraving.

Black and white line art vector drawing of goldendoodle dogs.

Black and white vector line art drawing of a shepherd dog to be incorporated into a graphic design

Vector silhouette of camels for printing on plastic bottles.

Photo to vector conversion. Simplified line drawing of a dog for printing.

Custom vector color drawing of a dog for printing.

Bird illustration in color vector format for printing on a flag.

Vector drawing of a fish using only 6 Pantone spot colors for screen printing.

Color vector drawing of Taima the Hawk, the Seahawks live mascot!

Vector drawing of Taima the Seahawks live mascot for specialty promo items.

Photo to vector conversion of a cat's face for vinyl-cut signs

Vector graphic of a dog in line art format for engraving.

True line art format: Lines only, no black shapes. Suitable for metal stamping.
Vector drawings are perfect for processes that do not accept photos or when a photo is not wanted. Vector Line Art or black-only drawings are required for engraving, glass etching, and specialty items.